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Race & Racism in America – Part 2

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Cedric and Kojo discuss James Baldwin’s contributions and his famous quote “How long do you want me to wait for your progress?”. Then the pair dive right into “The Faces of the Facts” segment – George Floyd, Tamir Rice, Eric Garner are high-lighted and then deep dive into the Breonna Taylor story. The grueling and inconsistent version of events surrounding the murder of the 26-year-old African American emergency room technician. Heartbreaking 911 call overviewed. What is the utility and reasoning for use of lethal force my US law enforcement?

Amy Cooper (the former investment firm VP) weaponizes herself after a dispute over her unleashed dog. The brief interaction with black bird watcher Christian Cooper, ultimately costs Amy Cooper her job, dog and now faces criminal charges. But will are those charges just in vain? Can racism be respectable or delivered politely? State of New York Governor Cuomo has signed bills into law addressing a number of these issues.

Don’t feelings to a facts fight.”

Cedric Clark

Anecdotal stories surrounding interactions with law enforcement. How those experiences have shaped and impacted the relationship and perception of police with our hosts who are well mannered, upstanding members of their communities. What black men do to humanize themselves and minimize the idea of them being a threat to police. As well as a story recalling racism demonstrated in a kindergarten assemble.

The episode closes out with the always thought provoking “What would you do?” segment.

Is it worst for an innocent man to be jailed or guilty men to be free?

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