Welcome back to part two of our discussion about the January 6 insurrectionist protest. In today’s show, we continue to unpack events on the day of the storming of Capitol Hill. We also pull up several clips that demonstrate the continuation of systemic racism in America as well as a contrasting movement pointing toward a more equitable future for all.

Our conversation begins with an appreciation for the exemplary policing Eugene Goodman demonstrated by diverting the January 6 mob. We then get discuss the role social media plays in pushing people with ‘benignly alternative’ beliefs toward groups like QAnon where they end up trying to overthrow the government. Next, we move onto a demonstration of the way systemic racism is still alive in the U.S today, using samples of interviews that highlight the racist views of white leaders. Our exchange moves to focus on the history of white-committed bloodshed against Black lives with no consequences and we connect this to calls from the GOP for no prosecutions to occur after the January 6 protest.

Toward the end of the show, we consider some paths to resolution. These scenarios all demonstrate movements and actions in the U.S. that shine a light on the idea that while systemic racism is being perpetuated, some change for the better is occurring alongside it. We consider the decriminalization of homelessness in Austin, Philadelphia DA Larry Krasner’s move to weed out corrupt ADAs and cops, and ex-white supremacist Derek Black’s comments about the power white people have to combat racism.