If a viable, logical and strong enough argument is made…..Can we petition to change a/or word(s) in the English dictionary? As time goes on and the English language evolves, a justifiable claim can be made to have the words that live within that language mean something different today than they did when they were created! That’s the dilemma we’re presenting you today.

The 2 words being petitioned today are: “Racism” and “Servitude”.
Racism definition:
• prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.
• a belief that race is the primary determinant of human trait and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.
At a high level these definitions make sense and could plausibly be accepted. The challenge that we find is the omission of one very important word in the definition…..”POWER”. Without power, ownership of the structural, political, judicial, financial influence; an individual’s discrimination and prejudice have very little impact and influence on the race being discriminated against (as a whole). There are indicators that can clearly be lineated that verify how REAL racism has and can negatively impact large marginalized populations of people for generations. Without this power isn’t it just prejudice?
Servitude definition:
ser·vi·tude noun
• the state of being a slave or completely subject to someone more powerful
• a condition in which one lacks liberty especially to determine one’s course of action or way of life
The dictionary seems to be directly correlate slavery and servitude. It’s almost as if servitude is a synonym of slavery. As a baseline in order to understand the opposition here, we must all agree that there is a distinct difference between a “servant” and a “slave”. As lowly and humble a role a servant is, it certainly isn’t equal to that of a slave. Servants are paid to perform domestic and other manual labor duties. There is a choice to do so, unlike slavery.
In the 21st century many successful global organizations, mogul entrepreneurs, politicians and industry leaders recognize servitude as very effective and positive trait. In this day and age servitude almost exclusively represents something positive and is also celebrated behavior. Should we accept the flawed definition of these words and conform our language and behavior accordingly? Or should we petition to have these definitions changed?
What say you DäBU listeners and readers? Yay or Nay on the change?